It was another fabulous year for birth across Canada. Women are becoming educated about options available to them in the birth room and more families are choosing to hire professional birth photographers. Likewise, more photographers are choosing to photograph births and are spreading inspiring birth stories in their cities and provinces. Popular trends in birthing rooms this year have included dad's catching their babies, more family centered cesareans that encourage immediate skin-to-skin in the OR and the use of clear drapes so mom's can see their baby's birth. Enjoy looking through this collection of images that show us just how incredible the birth journey is.
Canadian Birth Photographers currently lists 120 photographers that specialize in capturing birth stories through photos and film. Find a birth photographer near you by clicking here.
She dreamed of having her baby in water even though she didn’t know anyone who had birthed at home. After a very long labour she made it happen with sheer determination. Witnessing how her birth and the pictures she has of it have given her strength for her new life with her baby makes this my favourite picture of the year. This is part of an ongoing project which I began this year photographing young moms choosing to give birth with a local midwifery clinic. | Cat McAteer
12/30/2017 07:26:28 am
Amazing shots! Wow!
Catherine Brown
1/1/2018 12:43:39 pm
Gorgeous collection.
1/12/2018 01:16:51 am
It makes me sad though to see so many women lying flat on their backs, feet up during the birth. This is the worst and most uncomfortable position to give birth in. The only benefit is for the caregivers, who have more comfortable access like this. For the mother it means more pain and even harder work :( There is still a long way to go in educating people about how birth physiologically works.
1/17/2018 08:00:39 am
The important thing is that the birther has autonomy. Many brothers end up preferring their backs. While I can agree birthing people need choices, a blanket sadness at seeing birthers on their backs is misguided.
5/13/2018 03:34:44 am
I had read about, watched people birth, watched videos before I had my first baby even been told by my mum (she had birthed eight babies). About the method of not lying on your back, to let gravity help you, I had watched my sister in law birth standing up. I was well educated but guess what happened ? I birthed on my back . Why ? because that was what was comfortable for me when push came to shove. When I had my second baby it was a complete different story why? because it just was. So comments like this could possibly be upsetting.
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